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Special Note for Existing Commercial Properties in The Woodlands:

Existing Commercial Properties (only)


As the beautiful communities, we are blessed to be a part of cultivating, continue to develop and grow; they in some cases will create their own important forms of municipalities, such as The Woodlands Township.  These types of entities are great resources for all members of a community, that over time, receive additional conveyed portions and authorities of a community.


As we join The Woodlands in their 40th year celebration, we are happy to inform you that permits for Existing Commercial Properties (only) will now be applied for through our friends at The Woodlands Township.

Please see important additional information below.


Please note that in The Woodlands, all applications for Existing Commercial Properties (only) are now to be submitted to The Woodlands Township. 


In an effort to  assist you in getting to the right place sooner, please click the link below for access to the main page of The Woodlands Township’s: Covenant Administration. 


DISCLAIMER: As links tend to change over time, please let us know if one of ours needs to be updated.  Also be aware that not all links you may need are provided below and that it is the applicant’s sole responsibility to ensure that all forms, reference materials, etc. are the most current and up to date.  By using these links you are agreeing to these terms.



The Woodlands Township: Covenant Administration – Main Page


NEW Commercial Properties


Applications for New Commercial Development, Construction and approval will still be applied for through our office. 


Please click this link to be taken to the New Commercial Applications.

​Copyright © 1980-2025, Ken Anderson & Associates. All rights reserved.

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